Enter a text for convert to mp3 file

In order to reproduce the text you can use a ready-made solution, besides there is support for about 50 languages!
or try to implement it yourself. instruction below

To incorporate text-to-speech functionality on a website, you can use the Web Speech API, specifically the SpeechSynthesis interface, which allows you to convert text into spoken words. Here's a general guide on how to implement text-to-speech on a website:

  • Check browser compatibility: Verify that the browser being used supports the Web Speech API, particularly the SpeechSynthesis interface. Most modern browsers provide support, but it's always good to include a browser compatibility check.
  • Create HTML elements: Design the HTML structure for your text-to-speech interface. This typically involves a textarea or input field where users can enter text, along with buttons to initiate and stop the speech synthesis.
  • Implement JavaScript code: Add JavaScript code to handle the text-to-speech functionality. Start by initializing the SpeechSynthesis object and setting up event listeners to control the synthesis process.
  • Obtain a list of available voices: Use the speechSynthesis.getVoices() method to retrieve the available voices for speech synthesis. This is an asynchronous operation, so it's best to listen for the voiceschanged event before accessing the voices.
  • Set the desired voice: Select the desired voice from the available voices list and set it as the voice for synthesis. You can filter and choose a voice based on criteria such as language, gender, or name.
  • Convert text to speech: When the user triggers the text-to-speech action, take the text from the textarea or input field and pass it to the speechSynthesis.speak() method. This will initiate the speech synthesis process.
  • Stop or pause speech synthesis: Set up event handlers for stop or pause buttons. When the user clicks the stop button, call the speechSynthesis.cancel() method to stop the synthesis. If you want to implement pause/resume functionality, use the speechSynthesis.pause() and speechSynthesis.resume() methods accordingly.
  • Customize speech synthesis: You can modify the speech synthesis options by using the SpeechSynthesisUtterance object. It allows you to adjust properties like the volume, pitch, rate, and text to be synthesized. Apply these modifications before passing the utterance to the speechSynthesis.speak() method.
  • Handle errors and events: Implement error handling for cases where speech synthesis encounters issues. You can listen for events such as onerror, onstart, onend, or onpause to manage errors and track the synthesis progress.
  • Style and enhance the user interface: Customize the appearance and behavior of the text-to-speech interface to align with your website's design. Consider adding features like a clear button to reset the text or a playback progress indicator.

Remember that the Web Speech API's availability and behavior may vary across different browsers. Therefore, it's essential to test and adapt your code to ensure compatibility and consistent functionality across various platforms.